Category: Wildlife

  • New paths, old roads: how conservationists are restoring traditional migratory routes

    New paths, old roads: how conservationists are restoring traditional migratory routes

    And while these man-made boundaries have been carved out to confine inhabitants to a space called a country, little thought was given to the wildlife populations who now, unbeknownst to them, were given a nationality. The problem with man-made borders As modern-day conservationists have spent more time studying Africa’s wildlife and forming in-depth understandings of […]

  • What is World Female Ranger Day?

    What is World Female Ranger Day?

    Not to be confused with World Ranger Day celebrated on 31 July 2021, World Female Ranger Day celebrated on 23 June hopes to amplify the female presence protecting the wild. Field guides decode the wild for guests who go on safari. They are the people who lead game drives or walking safaris, translating the bush […]

  • The Legend of Notch, King of the Maasai Mara

    The Legend of Notch, King of the Maasai Mara

    This incredible coalition was unlike any that had ever been seen before. The strangest thing was that it was made up of a father and his five sons. This was unheard of in the lion kingdom. The young lions might have killed their father, but it goes to show how feared Notch was and how […]

  • Will Burrard-Lucas on photographing Laikipia’s mythical Black Leopards

    Will Burrard-Lucas on photographing Laikipia’s mythical Black Leopards

    I overheard the villagers say that the owner of the conservancy, Kuki Gallman, had brought several of these animals from Italy. Back at my aunt’s ranch we excitedly told her about the sighting. She told us it was probably a black leopard – she had seen them over the years in a tree nearby. There […]

  • 5 African cats you probably haven’t heard about

    5 African cats you probably haven’t heard about

    1. Serval This long-limbed, solitary cat is found in abundance across sub-Saharan Africa, from the bamboo thickets on the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro and the caldera of the Ngorongoro Crater, to the dry savannah and semi-arid grasslands of South Africa. It vocalises through purring and high-pitched chirps, and preys on small rodents. While servals are […]

  • Saving Kenya’s last Super Tuskers

    Saving Kenya’s last Super Tuskers

    Then she appears! Mudanda, as she was known, slowly makes her way to the water and starts drinking. You fumble with the camera, overcome by the moment and sighting of this magnificent animal. After a series of attempts at capturing its greatness, you just let it be and place the camera by your side. She […]

  • In Photos: venture through Uganda’s riveting Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

    In Photos: venture through Uganda’s riveting Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

      On the 16 December 2019, Uganda’s Ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities and the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration revealed that the number of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the 340 square-kilometre transboundary protected forest have increased to 459 from an estimated 400 in 2011. When you visit mountain gorillas in the wild, you’re […]

  • 12 Enthralling African destinations to add to your wander-list for 2021

    12 Enthralling African destinations to add to your wander-list for 2021

    Every year, I eagerly anticipate the travel hotlists and destination round-ups released by the likes of Condé Nast and National Geographic, and each time am routinely disappointed by the conspicuous absence of alluring African countries. Our continent will forever be an eternal safari hotspot, but there are so many more reasons to plan a trip. […]

  • These bush stories explain why Mana Pools is considered one of Africa’s best parks

    These bush stories explain why Mana Pools is considered one of Africa’s best parks

    Meaning “four” in the local Shona language, Mana refers to the park’s four large water bodies, vestiges of ancient ox-bow lakes carved out by the mighty Zambezi. As the rainy season draws to an end and the lakes begin to dry up, large herds of game enter the region in search of water and to […]

  • Have you heard of Africa’s ‘other’ great wildebeest migration?

    Have you heard of Africa’s ‘other’ great wildebeest migration?

    There might only be 45,000 wildebeest, but with the population on the rise, you can still see a herd that stretches five kilometres. And the plains themselves are striking too. Engulfed by Zambezi floodwater for three months of the year, Liuwa has been flattened into glorious flood plains, stretching as far as the eye can […]